Urs Thüring 2. January 2022

Maturity level of automated and personalized customer communicationMehr

Urs Thüring 1. January 2022

Marketing trend 2022: Data-driven personalizationMehr

Urs Thüring 11. March 2021

White Paper Marketing Automation – Part 3Mehr

Urs Thüring 5. March 2021

White Paper Marketing Automation – Part 2Mehr

Urs Thüring 2. March 2021

White Paper Marketing Automation – Part 1Mehr

Urs Thüring 2. December 2020

Clicking away cookie banner is not sufficient consentMehr

Urs Thüring 2. November 2020

20 Questions & 20 AnswersMehr

Urs Thüring 30. October 2020

What good is a new customer if they are not allowed to be an existing customer?Mehr
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