We would like to share with you Google’s study from a consumer survey on the topic of «Advertising and Privacy». You can find the most important findings as well as the recommendations from Mayoris in the following blog post.
- Consumers are not against advertising. It is very much about building trust with the advertising company. It’s about “privacy by design” and data scarcity, one of the principles of the GDPR. It is about the use of “first party dataDie Zusammenführung der sogenannten «owned data» ist die Voraussetzung für die weitere Verwendung der Daten. Dazu gehören wesentlich, aber nicht abschliessend: Kontaktdaten aus einem CRM oder auch nur aus einem eShop oder ERP. Aus dem ERP...“. Google uses the term “ethical marketing”. Well, advertising, is mostly suggestive, it’s about conversion. Anyway, social pressure about respecting data protectionIt is not enough for companies to aggregate your users' data. They must also obtain permission to use this data at the same time. They must obtain an overview of whether and for what purpose they may actively use this personal data or use it for advertising... has increased a lot since the introduction of the GDPR.
- Data delivery or advertising must be “meaningful“: Data versus value. Tell the consumer what you are collecting data for. The closer to the consumer’s buying decision, the better (use by interest, right time, problem solving, entertainment). This can only be done by collecting data and using it intelligently. Selling data is not an option.
- Data provision must be “rememberable“. The consumer must be able to understand why advertising is being played to him, namely via his own data. However, customers tend not to understand what really happens with their data. This makes it all the more important to build trust.
- Data submission must be “manageable“: Ideally, customers can manage or change themselves which data they want to hand over (customer center). Control over one’s own data is important, as is information about the data used. This duty to inform also arises from DSGVO and DSG. Most consumers today feel powerless when it comes to controlling their own data.
Basic recommendations:
- Implement tagging across the entire website
- Implement consistent permission management
- Consider automation
- Customize advertising via data and permission
- Use machine learning (or AI) for analysis; we would say analyze what you can analyze first.
Advanced Recommendations:
- Careful handling of data is an imperative for processes throughout the company (privacy first). Develop a “first-party” data strategy
- Enforce ethical behavior across the enterprise is the order of the day
- Implement a “test and learn” mentality across the enterprise
- Build the right skills: Strategically “insource” skills; especially tech and analytics skills.
- Break down silos and make data centrally accessible via a Customer Data PlatformDie Customer Data Platform CDP hat seit der geringer werdenden Bedeutung von Third Party Data an Relevanz gewonnen. Die eigenen Daten sind ein wichtiger Differenzierungsfaktor gegenüber den Mitbewerbern geworden. Unternehmen sehen sich veranlasst, ihre... (CDP).
- Manage data in the cloud (security, privacy, big data management, data analytics, linking to marketing tools)